The Magen David

No one is quite sure where the Magen David, the "Shield of David" or "Star of David", originates from. Even more mysterious is what caused the Magen David to become the national symbol for the Jewish people.[1] The Magen David may actually have been an adaptation of the pentagram (five-pointed star) which was widely used in a number of ancient religions. The earliest archaeological source testifying to the common usage of the Magen David is from remains found in an ancient synagogue in northern Israel dated to the 6th century BCE. Today, the Magen David, which consists of two interlocking triangles, can be found on Jewish ritual items and accessories of all kinds. God Himself is referred to in our prayers as the "Magen David".[2]

There is a theory that the phrase "Magen David" is to be taken literally, and that it refers to an actual shield that King David used in battle, though this is highly improbable. Indeed, this theory is refuted by a credible tradition that there was a menora engraved upon the shield which King David used in wartime.[3] As such, it is highly unlikely that the word "magen" is referring to a shield, such as the kind that is used in battle.

Nevertheless, perhaps this idea can be expanded to suggest that the Magen David, with its six points along with its center space, is actually intended to allude to the menora and its seven branches. The number seven plays a prominent role in many areas of Jewish ritual and thought which the Magen David may have been intended to recall. As such, the word "Magen" is likely referring to some sort of spiritual – not physical shield. Alternatively, it may merely another word for "badge" or "banner" which represents King David and by extension, the Jewish people.[4] In fact, throughout history, Jews would go to war not only with physical weapons but also with spiritual ones, such as prayer and the conviction that it is only with God's assistance that victory can be assured.

It may just be, however, that the armor used during the Bar Kochba era was engraved with a Magen David. Indeed, it is interesting to note that the name "Bar Kochba" means "Son of the Star.. There are also legends abound that the Macabees engraved a Magen David on all their battle gear. It is also interesting to note that in the 1500's the Jewish community of Prague was represented by a flag with a six pointed star in its center.

A number of scholars suggest that the Magen David may be linked to a verse in the book of Tehillim[5] where there is an allusion to Jewish kings using such a symbol as their banner.[6] A six-pointed triangular figure is said to have represented royalty in ancient times. It is also intended to recall that a Jew is to receive his inspiration from all six corners of the world and that God's dominion extends in every direction. Incidentally, when one recites the shema one is to have in mind that God rules over all six directions of the world.[7]

According to kabbalistic interpretation, the two triangles which make up the Magen David represent the physical and spiritual worlds respectively, as well as the relationship between God and mankind. The ten sefirot of kabbala were often represented within the sketch of a six pointed star. It is also interesting to note that all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet appear within the lines of the Magen David.[8]

From the days of the Arizal, people had the custom of wearing jewelry and amulets with a Magen David on them. It was recommended that pregnant women wear a Magen David as a segula for an easy childbirth. There are also those who contend that the Magen David was actually the seal of King Solomon which he used for controlling demons,[9] though there is little support for this theory. Yet others argue that the roots of the six pointed star originate from the book of Isaiah where the six aspects of God's spirit are described.[10] The Samaritans have a tradition that the six points of the Magen David represent the six cities of refuge, which were designated cities where one who killed unintentionally could escape to.

Some ultra-orthodox communities reject the use of the Magen David due to its association with Zionism, an ideology they oppose.[11] This philosophical approach is problematic, however, considering that the Magen David was also a popular icon of the Messianic movement of Shabbtai Tzvi, long before the rise of Zionism. Nevertheless, even after this unfortunate episode of Jewish history, the Magen David had continued to serve the role it always had - as representing the Jewish people. As such, it is simply a symptom of ideological insecurity to lobby for the disqualification of the Magen David as our national symbol.

[1] For a brief history of the Star of David symbol in Judaism, see Gershom Scholem, "The Star of David: History of a Symbol," The Messianic Idea in Judaism, translated by Michael A. Meyer (New York: Schocken Books, 1971), 257-81; and Gershon Scholem, "Magen David," Kabbalah (Jerusalem: Keter Publishing Company, 1974), 362-368. Especially interesting and somewhat ironic, regarding Rosenzweig's fascination with the star, is that, as Scholem notes in the conclusion to both articles, the Star of David, or more literally the Shield of David, did not become a symbol of Judaism in the way that the cross was as symbol of Christianity, until the nineteenth century. In the latter article, "Magen David," he writes: "The prime motive behind the wide diffusion of the sign in the 19th century was the desire to imitate Christianity. The Jews looked for a striking and simple sign which would 'symbolize' Judaism in the same way as the cross symbolizes Christianity" (367-68). The traditional "symbol" of Judaism for Jews is, of course, the Menorah, the candelabra which stood in the Temple of Jerusalem; it is today the "official" symbol of the State of Israel (which, by the way, has also lent legitimacy to the Star of David by putting it on the state flag.) Prior to the nineteenth century, Scholem points out, the Star of David was most often either an ornament or a magical sign, and not just a Jewish one at that. Taken from:

[2] Cf. Blessings following the Haftora

[3] Igra D'pirka 176 cited in Minhag Yisrael Torah 90:4

[4] Igrot Moshe O.C. 3:15

[5] Tehillim 18:34,35

[6] Eretz Hachaim to Tehillim 18, cited in Minhag Yisrael Torah 90:4

[7] O.C. 61:6


[9] Gittin 68a

[10] Yeshayahu 11:2

[11] Minhag Yisrael Torah 90:4