1,623. A Many Whose Many Wives All Predecease Him

Hilchos Ishus 19:4

The same applies to a man who had many wives, whether sequentially or concurrently. If they all predecease him and they all had sons from this man, then if his estate contains at least one dinar more than the combined value of their kesubahs, each of them inherits his mother’s kesubah and the balance of the father’s estate is divided equally among them.

Hilchos Ishus 19:5

If the heirs offer to increase the size of their father’s estate so that there will be that additional dinar, enabling them to collect their mothers’ kesubahs, their offer is not accepted. Rather, the estate is appraised in court based on its value at the time of the father’s death. Even if the value of the estate goes up or down between the time of his death and dividing the property, the course of action is based on its value at the time their father died.