1,617. Selling Land to Pay for a Widow's Maintenance

Hilchos Ishus 18:20

If a woman comes to court to collect money for her maintenance, she is given an oath. Property is sold without a public announcement and an award is made to pay for her maintenance. She is entitled to sell property to pay for her maintenance without requiring a court of expert judges; three trustworthy lay people are sufficient. These sales likewise do not require public announcements. If she sells property herself for an appropriate amount to pay for her maintenance, the sale is binding. If the heirs come and require her to take an oath, she must do so.

Hilchos Ishus 18:21

Only enough property to pay for six months of maintenance is sold, no more. The sale is conditional on the buyer giving the widow a payment towards her food every 30 days. After this has been exhausted, another piece of land is sold to pay for the next six months. Property is sold in this way until all that is left from the estate is the money to pay her kesubah. When this happens, she should collect payment, at which point she’s done with the court.