12. Walking

3:7 One is not meant to walk in a haughty fashion, for example with one’s neck stuck out. This is a behavior criticized by God through the prophet Isaiah: “And they walk with outstretched necks...” (Isaiah 3:16.) The Mishnah Brurah tells us that this is prohibited even standing in place (2:9). On the other hand, one shouldn’t walk stooped lowly, either. As with the clothes we wear (discussed in 3:3), moderation is the key. Solomon tells us in Koheles that we can tell from the way someone walks whether that person is wise or a fool. (See Ecclesiastes 10:3.)

3:8 A man should not pass between two women, nor a woman between two men. A person should not walk between dogs or pigs, nor allow dogs and pigs to pass between them. (Refer to Talmud Pesachim 111a.)