30. The Blessings on Torah Study

7:1 There is a difference of opinion as to whether or not one should respond Amen after hearing the blessing “La’asok b’divrei Torah,” that God commanded us to occupy ourselves with the study of Torah. Some authorities are of the opinion that the bracha does not end there but continues with “v’harev na” (“please make pleasant…”). Because of this doubt, one should recite this blessing quietly, so as to absolve others of the responsibility to say Amen. The Mishnah Brurah – 47:12 – informs us that the majority of latter-day authorities feel that “la’asok” and “v’harev na” constitute a single bracha.)

7:2 The blessing “asher nasan lasechvi binah,” that God enabled the rooster to discern between day and night, should not be recited before daybreak. However, if one jumped the gun and said it earlier, he has fulfilled his obligation (see Mishnah Brurah 47:31).