55. Paying Attention to the Tefillin

10:16 The entire time one is wearing tefillin, he should not let his thoughts stray from them except while he is saying the Shemoneh Esrei and if he studies Torah while wearing his tefillin. (The Mishnah Brurah defines letting one’s thoughts stray as engaging in conversation while wearing tefillin – MB 44:3.) It is forbidden to eat a meal while wearing tefillin but a snack may be eaten. (Only those who wear tefillin all day may snack with them on – MB 40:19.) One may not sleep while wearing tefillin, not even a nap.

10:17 One must touch the tefillin when he thinks of them as doing so serves to focus his attention upon them. (Those who only wear them during prayer need not do this – MB 28:2.) When doing so, he should touch the hand tefillin before those of the head. Many have the custom to touch their tefillin and kiss upon mentioning them in the verses of the Shema.