66. Oddly-Shaped Entrances

11:12 A doorway that has a curved arch rather than a horizontal lintel – or one that doesn’t have doorposts at all, just an archway – if it is at least ten hand-breadths high and four hand-breadths wide, it requires a mezuzah. (That’s approximately three feet high by 14 inches wide.) What if there are two doorposts and a lintel but only one doorpost reaches all the way up to the lintel, there being a large space carved into the wall on the opposite side? In such a case, if the full doorpost is on the right, the mezuzah is attached there. If the short doorpost is on the right, if it is at least ten hand-breadths high, the mezuzah is affixed there. If it is shorter, the mezuzah is placed in the carved-out portion.

11:13 Some authorities say that an entrance requires a mezuzah even if it has no doors; others say a door is necessary. Therefore, one should install the door before the mezuzah.