84. When to Stand

14:3 From the start of pesukei d’zimrah through the end of prayers, a person should be careful not to touch any part of his body or head that is normally covered. If he needs to clean his nose or ears, he must use a handkerchief. If he touched his nasal mucous or earwax, he must wash his hands with water. If he is in the middle of reciting Shemoneh Esrei and unable to go get water, he may clean his hands by rubbing them on some surface, like the table or a wall. (Even if a person only stuck one finger in his ear or in his nose, he must still wash the entire hand - see Mishnah Brurah 613:6.)

14:4 Psalm 100 (Mizmor L’Sodah) is recited standing and with joy, since it serves as a stand-in for the korban todah (thanksgiving offering). Similarly, the verses “Vayevareich David” (“David blessed”) through “Atah Hu Hashem Ha’Elokim” (“You are the Lord, God”) should be recited standing, as should the Shira (with joy and proper concentration) and the blessing Yishtabach.