92. Who is Qualified to Lead the Service

15:11 We should try to have a suitable shaliach tzibbur so that the verse “she raised her voice against Me, causing Me to hate her” should not apply to our minyanim. (The Talmud in Taanis 16b says that this verse refers to a shaliach tzibbur who is unsuitable but who nevertheless represents the congregation in this capacity.) Optimally, the shaliach tzibbur should be free of sin, with a spotless reputation, humble, acceptable to the community so that they will accept him in the role, he should have a nice voice, and be familiar with the texts cited in the prayers. If no one possesses all of these qualities, the congregation should select the wisest and most noble person available.

15:12 A person should not serve as shaliach tzibbur (or blow shofar – MB 53:64) against the wishes of the congregation. A person who represents the congregation in prayer without their consent incites arguments and is considered arrogant. The congregation does not reply “Amen” after his blessings because “the robber praises himself for denouncing God” (Psalms 10:3).