111. Davening Under the Influence

18:21 One may not walk within four cubits (six feet) of a person who is saying Shemoneh Esrei. If one has finished saying his own Shemoneh Esrei and someone else is still davening behind him, he should not step back until the second person finishes, as this is tantamount to walking in front of him. Passing someone davening on the side or behind him is permitted.

18:22 One who is so intoxicated that he could not speak in the presence of an important person may not pray. If he did pray in such a state, his prayer is considered an abomination and he must daven again after sobering up. If he missed the time to say Shemoneh Esrei, he may say a compensatory prayer at the next service, as is the case for one who misses a prayer due to circumstances beyond his control. (This will be discussed later, in chapter 21.)