112. Mashiv HaRuach

19:1 In the winter months, we say “mashiv haruach u’morid hageshem,” that God causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall, in the second blessing of Shemoneh Esrei. This insertion begins with the musaf prayer on Shemini Atzeres. Before Shemoneh Esrei, the gabbai should announce to insert mashiv haruach; if he does not, then the congregation does not make the insertion in their individual Shemoneh Esreis. Those praying at home should wait to say musaf until after they are confident that it has already been said in shul and that the insertion has already been made by the community. We continue to say mashiv haruach until the musaf prayer on the first day of Pesach. Then, the congregation says it in their individual Shemoneh Esreis but the shaliach tzibbur does not say it in the public repetition. At mincha, nobody says mashiv haruach anymore because they received the cue from the shaliach tzibbur to no longer recite it. In this case, one who prays at home should be sure to do so before they say musaf in shul so that he’s sure he can still recite mashiv haruach. In some locations, “mashiv haruach u’morid hatal” (that God causes the wind to blow and the dew to fall) is recited in the summer months (or just “morid hatal” as per Mishnah Brurah 114:13). In these places, the gabbai announces to do so before musaf on the first day of Pesach. The congregation then says this in their individual musaf prayers and they do not say “morid hageshem.”

19:2 If someone made a mistake and did not say mashiv haruach, here’s how to proceed: If one remembers before completing the blessing m’chayei hameisim, he simply inserts it where he remembers, though not in the middle of a topic. For example, if he remembered after saying “u’m’kayeim emunaso” (God fulfills His faith) he would not insert it before “l’sheinei afar” (with those who sleep in the dust). One should complete the thought and then insert mashiv haruach. (Mishnah Brurah 114:29 says that if one remembers that he omitted mashiv haruach after saying “v’ne’eman Atah l’hachayos meisim, he should say mashiv haruach and then repeat “v’ne’eman…”) If one prefers, he can say the phrase “mashiv haruach” and repeat the entire text of the bracha as per usual. If a person only remembers mashiv haruach after he has already concluded the blessing, he must go back to the beginning and say Shemoneh Esrei again. It is not sufficient to begin from the start of the second blessing since the first three blessings of Shemoneh Esrei constitute a single unit. (If he did not yet begin the bracha of “Atah kadosh,” he can still say mashiv haruach and he need not go back – see OC 114:6 and MB 114:30.) If one forgot mashiv haruach on the first day of Pesach – maariv, shacharis or musaf – he need not repeat Shemoneh Esrei.