127. The Form of the Compensatory Prayer

21:5 One can only make up for a missed Shemoneh Esrei during the time of the subsequent prayer service; one may not do so at a time that is not a time for prayer. For example, if one prayed the next prayer service then waited a long time, he can no longer say a compensatory prayer. This is because the Sages only instituted the tashlumin prayers at the time one says his next obligatory Shemoneh Esrei, when he is already involved with prayer. (Mishnah Brurah 108:15 cites opnions that disagree with this.) 21:6 The compensatory Shemoneh Esrei is recited the same as the obligatory prayer at that time. For example, if one missed mincha on Friday afternoon, he would then recite the Shabbos evening Amidah twice. Even though the second one is to make up for a weekday Shemoneh Esrei, since it is now Shabbos, he must say the Shabbos Amidah and if he said the weekday version of the prayer, he must do it again properly. (The Mishnah Brurah does not require one to repeat the Amidah in this case - MB 108:25.) Similarly, if one missed mincha before Rosh Chodesh, he would recite Shemoneh Esrei twice at maariv and insert ya’aleh v’yavo in both of them. If he missed maariv on Rosh Chodesh, he would say Shemoneh Esrei twice at shacharis and if he forgot ya’aleh v’yavo in the tashlumin prayer, he would have to repeat it. This is even though one need not repeat Shemoneh Esrei if he forgets ya’aleh v’yavo at night on Rosh Chodesh, because it is now day and day rules apply. (Again, the Mishnah Brurah does not require one to repeat Shemoneh Esrei – MB 108:26.) If one missed mincha on Shabbos, he says the weekday Shemoneh Esrei twice at maariv but he only says the paragraph “Atah chonantanu” in the first Shemoneh Esrei. This is because Atah chonantanu is a form of havdalah, which concludes Shabbos for him; one does not say this twice. Along these lines, if one missed maariv at the conclusion of Shabbos, he says Shemoneh Esrei twice on Sunday morning and he adds Atah chonantanu in his compensatory prayer because he is supposed to say it in prayer once. (Mishnah Brurah cites an opinion that one need not say Atah chonantanu in his compensatory prayer because he still has on obligation to say havdalah over a cup – MB 108:33.)