129. If the Chazan Needs to Say Tashlumin

21:9 If someone has to recite Shemoneh Esrei twice at shacharis or mincha to make up for a missed service, if he is the shaliach tzibbur, the reader’s repetition of Shemoneh Esrei fulfills his obligation. (He should, however, intend that it serve as both a tashlumin for him and chazaras hashatz for the congregation – Mishnah Brurah 108:4.) 21:10 If someone isn’t sure whether or not he said Shemoneh Esrei, he does not say an extra prayer because nowadays we do not say a voluntary Shemoneh Esrei. (The Mishnah Brurah disagrees – see Biur Halacha 107:1 s.v “Im hu mesupik,” MB 107:2, et al.)