131. “Falling on the Face”

22:3 Tachanun should be recited seated. In a pinch, Tachanun may be recited standing. After Tachanun, we say the prayer “Va’anachnu lo neida” (“and we do not know”). This prayer is started while still seated, though one should stand when he reaches the words “mah na’aseh” (“what to do...”).

22:4 We only “fall on the face” in a place where there is a Torah scroll. If there is no Torah, we do not “fall” even if there are other holy books. Tachanun is still recited in such a case, just without “falling.” (Mishnah Brurah 131:11 acknowledges opinions that do require one to “falling on his face” in the presence of sefarim.) If one prays in a shul’s courtyard and the door is open, it is considered as if he is in the shul, where a Torah scroll is present.