137. Standing for Kriyas HaTorah

23:5 The oleh and baal korei both must stand (as must the gabbai – Mishnah Brurah 141:5). They may not even lean on something because they are supposed to stand in awe. The Torah was given in awe and we must treat it with awe. A person who is weak, however, may lean a little on something in order to support himself. (“A little” means not so much that he would fall if the object were removed. However, one who truly needs to support himself may do so – MB 141:4.) 23:6 When oleh says Barchu and the congregation responds “Baruch Hashem Hamevorach…,” the congregation should stand. They may sit while the oleh says the blessing “asher bachar banu” as well as the actual reading of the Torah and the blessing that follows it. Some people are stringent on themselves to stand and this is a good practice to follow. (Our prevalent practice is not to stand – MB 146:19.) There is no need whatsoever to stand between aliyos.