166. A Mourner Leading Services

26:13 If a person always prays in one shul or beis medrash, if he wants to say Kaddish in another shul, the mourners who usually daven there can refuse him. Even if he is in the week of Shiva, his status is even lower than that of a guest because a guest has no place else to daven and say Kaddish while this person could just go to his usual shul. 26:14 One who is able and worthy to serva as shaliach tzibbur should do so. This is even better than Kaddish, which was originally instituted for minors. If someone cannot lead the entire service, he should at least say the end of davening, starting with Ashrei and U’va l’Tziyon. A person with a higher priority in saying Kaddish, such as a person in Shiva or Shloshim, also has priority in leading the service. The practice is for mourners not to lead the service on Shabbos or Yom Tov. If the person who usually leads services on Shabbos or Yom Tov becomes a mourner, he may continue to lead services as he did before.