180. Character Traits

29:1 Every individual has a different temperament. Some are grouchy and always angry, while others are calm and rarely get upset. Some people are full of themselves while others are very humble. Some are so obsessed with physical pleasure that they can never be satisfied while others barely desire even the most basic needs. Some are so greedy that they will never be satisfied no matter how much money they have, as per Ecclesiastes 5:9, while others are thrilled with the tiniest thing, even if it’s less than they could use. Some people are so miserly that they’ll starve themselves rather than spend their money, while others spend money like water. This is true for all character traits: cheerful vs. melancholy, uptight vs. laid-back, cruel vs. merciful, timid vs. bold, etc.

29:2 The best way to be is moderate rather than to any extreme. One should only desire things his body needs as per Proverbs 13:25, “The righteous eat to feed their soul.” Similarly, the purpose of one’s business activities should be to provide for one’s needs as per Psalms 37:16, “A little bit is good to the righteous.” A person should not be miserly, nor should he give all his possessions away; rather, one should give charity according to his financial ability and lend as appropriate to those who need it. One should not be too frivolous, nor too depressive. He should be upbeat and pleasant. This is true with all character traits and a person who follows the path of moderation is wise.