190. Gossip

29:21 It is a pious characteristic not to accept gifts, preferring to trust that God will provide all of one's needs, as per Proverbs 15:27, “One who hates presents will live.”

30:1 The Torah tells us (Leviticus 19:16) not to go around as a gossip. A gossip is defined as one who gathers information and then travels about telling everyone who said what about whom. Even if the comments are true and are not inherently disparaging, it is still a serious sin. It can actually lead to a loss of life, which is why the Torah connects it to “do not stand idly over another’s blood.” In I Samuel chapter 22, Doeg told Saul that Achimelech gave David bread and a sword. Even though this information was accurate and not inherently negative, since Achimelech hadn’t actually done anything wrong – if asked, Achimelech would have told Saul about it himself! – nevertheless, Doeg's gossip caused the death of the kohanim in the city of Nov.