195. Intentions for the Sake of Heaven

31:1 The Talmud tells us (Brachos 63a) that we must recognize God even in carrying out our physical needs and mundane activities. These include (but are not limited to) eating, drinking, walking, sitting, lying down, getting up, sexual relations and engaging in conversation. All of our activities should be for the service of God or to bring us to the service of God.

31:2 When it comes to eating and drinking, it goes without saying that we abstain from non-kosher foods. Even with kosher food, it is not particularly meritorious to eat just because one is hungry. It is admirable for one to intend that he is eating in order to have the strength to serve God. Therefore, one should not limit his diet to foods he desires, like an animal does; he should make sure to eat food that is healthy and good for him. Some righteous people even state before eating that they are doing so in order to be healthy and strong so that they can serve God.