196. Sitting, Standing, Walking, Lying Down

31:3 When it comes to sitting, standing and walking, it goes without saying that we do not sit with scoffers, stand with sinners or walk following the advice of evil people. Rather, even when sitting with upright people, standing among the righteous and walking according to the direction of good people, it is not meritorious if only done for one’s own needs and desires. As with eating, one should do these things for the sake of Heaven. If one cannot intend to do these things solely for the sake of Heaven, he need not refrain from doing them since by doing things for selfish reasons, one can come to do them for altruistic reasons. 31:4 When it comes to lying down, it goes without saying that one should not just take a nap when he is supposed to be learning Torah or performing mitzvos. However, even when one is tired and needs to sleep, it is not in and of itself praiseworthy. One should intend to sleep in order to give his body the rest it needs so that he will have a clear head when studying Torah and not be confused from a lack of sleep.