201. Before and After Eating

32:6 One should walk or engage in some other exercise before eating. This is alluded to in the phrase “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread” (Genesis 3:19) and “and not eat the bread of idleness” (Proverbs 21:37). One should loosen his belt before eating, sit in one place while eating or lean to the left, and not over exert himself after eating in order to aid digestion. He should also not go to sleep on a full stomach until his food has digested. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch also discourages bathing, letting blood and marital relations immediately after eating.

32:7 People are all different. For example, some are feisty, others are calm, and others are moderate. Similarly, people’s digestive processes can differ. One should eat based upon his personal bodily needs. A person who is hot-natured should not eat foods that exacerbate this quality, while a person of the opposite nature could use such foods. In summer, it’s good to eat cold foods and in the winter it’s good to eat hot foods. The same is true of people who live in hot or cold climates.