203. When to Eat

32:10 The best time to eat is when one is legitimately hungry. Legitimate hunger is when the stomach is empty, as opposed to when someone just desires to eat a particular food. The first is called ra’av in Hebrew, meaning hunger; the second is called tei’avon, meaning appetite. A healthy person could eat two meals a day while an older or weaker person might “graze” on an as-needed basis. Overeating is bad for one’s digestion and health; it is advisable not to eat between meals. A normal person’s interim between meals is about six hours. Skipping one meal a week is not a bad idea, either. Before Shabbos is the best time for this (presumably because one will eat extra on Shabbos).

32:11 A slice of bread is a good thing to eat in the morning.(See Talmud Baba Metzia 107b.)