1,604. A Widow Selling Her Husband's Property

Hilchos Ishus 17:13

A widow, regardless of whether she was widowed from betrothal or full marriage, can take an oath, sell her husband’s property and receive payment for her kesubah. This can be done in a court of experts or a court of laymen so long as the judges are three trustworthy men familiar with the appraisal of real estate. Responsibility for the sale falls on the deceased’s heirs. A divorcee, on the other hand, can only have her husband's property sold in a court of expert judges. When a woman has property sold in court, the sale must be preceded by a public announcement; the details of such sales will be covered in the laws of loans. When a woman sells property not in the court, a public announcement is not necessary, although one must still involve three trustworthy men who are familiar with appraisal.

Hilchos Ishus 17:14

If a widow privately sells her husband's property in order to pay her kesubah, then if she sold it for its actual value, the sale is binding; she just has to take the oath that is required of widows after the sale. This is only the case when she sold the property to another individual. If she took it for herself after having it appraised, her actions are ineffective. This is so even if she publicly announced the sale.