222. Giving with a Bad Attitude

34:7 If a person gives charity with a negative attitude, even if he gives a huge amount, he loses the merit of the act and violates the Biblical prohibition against begrudging giving charity (Deuteronomy 15:10). One should give charity joyfully, feeling the plight of the needy. We see this from Job, who said “Did I not weep for one who was in trouble? Did my soul not grieve for the poor?” (Job 30:25) One should try to comfort the needy as per Job 29:13, “I brought joy to the widow’s heart.”

34:8 If a needy person asks for help, one may not turn him away empty-handed, even if all one can give is a dried fig. If one has nothing to give, he should at least try to cheer him with pleasant words. One may not speak harshly to a needy person or raise one’s voice at him because this person is already downtrodden and Psalms 51:19 tells us, “a broken and contrite heart, God will not despise.” Woe to the one who shames the poor! Instead, we should try to be like Job, who acted like a father to them (see Job 29:16).