230. Who has Priority?

35:7 It is questionable whether or not dough that was made with eggs or fruit juice require challah to be taken. It is therefore advisable, while the dough is being kneaded, to mix in a liquid that definitely requires it, such as water, milk,* bee honey, wine or olive oil. These definitely require that challah be separated, which one then does with the bracha.

35:8 The lady of the house has priority in the mitzvah of separating challah. However, if she is not available and the dough can’t wait until she returns, another person may separate it.

------------------------- *Our general practice is not to make bread dairy unless it is in a special, identifiable form. (For example, the Rema on Yoreh Deah 97:1 discusses a custom to make such loaves for Shavuos.) Halacha 35:7 only addresses the need to obviate the questionable situation created by kneading dough with fruit juice; it does not address the parameters of when loaves may be baked dairy.