251. Immersion on Shabbos

37:12 A minor child (that is, under the age of bar or bas mitzvah) is not entrusted with the task of immersing utensils.

37:13 Utensils may not be immersed on Shabbos and yom tov. If one forgot to immerse something beforehand, he may give the utensil to a non-Jew as a gift and then borrow it. If the utensil is a vessel capable of carrying water, and if he’s in a place where one is permitted to carry, he can draw water with it and bring it home, immersing it incidental to the act of drawing water. In such a circumstance, one should not recite the blessing. (If it is doubtful whether or not a vessel requires immersion, Mishnah Brurah 323:33 permits one to rely on the opinion permitting immersion on Shabbos.)