253. Bishul Akum

38:3 The Sages only prohibited non-Jewish bread of the five species of grain (i.e., wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt). Bread made of legumes is not considered bread for this purpose and is not restricted. It is also not restricted because of bishul akum (food cooked without a Jew’s involvement) as it is not considered a significant item, worthy of being served to royalty. 38:4 Bread coated with eggs is forbidden because of the eggs, since that would be a food cooked by non-Jews (bishul akum). If cakes are baked on a griddle and there is reason to suspect that the griddle may have been greased with some type of fat, one may not eat them because of regular concerns about kosher food, separate from any limitations placed on food cooked by non-Jews.