262. The Cup Used for Washing

40:3 Can a vessel that can only stand with support be used for washing hands? That depends. If it was designed to be used with support, then it is a fit vessel and can be used for washing. If it was made for another purpose, such as a pot lid, then it should not be used for washing. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch refers the reader to the Shulchan Aruch proper (chapter 159) for a full discussion of the details in this matter.

40:4 It’s hard to quantify the volume of water needed for washing hands. One must certainly pour a large volume of water over each hand. (Mishnah Brurah 158:37 says a revi’is, which is around 3.5 ounces plus or minus.) In the Talmud (Shabbos 62b), Rav Chisda said that he washes with full handfuls of water and God grants him full handfuls of goodness. The right hand is washed before the left and the water must cover the entire hand up to the wrist, leaving no part untouched. In order to accomplish this, one should loosen his fingers and turn them upwards so that the water can reach all around them. The water should cover the hand in a single pouring (or two pourings without interruption between them – MB 162:30). Therefore, a vessel with a narrow opening should not be used. It is proper to pour the water twice on each hand (even if one poured more than a revi’is on his hands the first time – MB 162:21).