288. Food That Do Not Require Brachos Mid-Meal

43:1 Anything eaten during a meal of foods that one normally eats during the course of a meal in order to sate his hunger, like meat, fish, side dishes, etc., does not require a separate bracha, neither before nor after. Since they are eaten in order to satisfy hunger, they are considered part of the meal. The meal is considered subordinate to the bread, which is the basis of a person’s sustenance, so the blessing of hamotzi on the bread and the grace after meals covers all the other foods. Even if food was sent over from other houses, there is no need to recite a new bracha as one intends to eat whatever is served to him during the course of a meal.

43:2 There is likewise no need to say blessings on beverages, for the beverages are also considered part of the meal (even if brought to the table during the meal – Mishnah Brurah 164:30) since it is uncommon to eat without drinking. The exception to this is wine, which requires a bracha because of its significance. If one drank wine before washing for a meal, and he intended to continue drinking wine during the meal, he need not recite a new blessing. There is a doubt whether other alcoholic drinks, which are not so regularly drunk during the course of a meal, require separate brachos. In order to obviate this problem, it is advisable to drink a sip before washing for the meal. He should intend that the blessing he recites before the meal will also cover what he drinks during the meal. If one did not do this, he should say a bracha on something that definitely requires one during the meal (e.g., sugar) and have the drinks in mind. (Mishnah Brurah 174:39 does not require a separate bracha for alcoholic beverages, rendering this moot.) Some people would dip their bread into the drink but there are authorities who disagree with this course of action. (Shaarei Tziyon 174:45 says that dipping bread in one’s liquor only affects that piece; it has no effect on the rest of one’s liquor.)