1,596. Producing a Get Without a Kesubah

Hilchos Ishus 16:28

If a woman produces her get but she doesn’t have her kesubah, then if the local practice is not to write a physical kesubah, she can collect the baseline amount of her kesubah with just the get. However, if the local practice is to write a kesubah, then she cannot collect even the baseline amount without it. Her husband must take an oath of rabbinic origin disputing her claim, at which point he is exempted from paying.

Hilchos Ishus 16:29

If a woman produces two gets and two kesubahs, she can collect the amounts in both kesubahs. If she has two kesubahs and one get, she can only collect the value of one kesubah. If both kesubahs are for the same amount, then the later kesubah overrides the earlier one and she can collect based on the later date. If the two kesubahs are for different amounts, she can collect whichever she prefers and the other kesubah is nullified.