A Clean Fleishig Pot Used in the Last 24 Hours

I made spaghetti in a clean fleishig pot that was used to cook meat in the last 24 hours. My son would like to take the spaghetti and add cheese to it. Is that okay?

The Rishonim disagree as to whether the principle of nosein ta’am bar nosein ta’am is applicable to a case in which a pareve food – such as spaghetti – has been cooked in a fleishig pot. Shulchan Aruch rules according to those that hold that just as hot fish placed on a (clean) fleishig plate may be eaten with dairy, so to anything cooked in a (clean) fleishig pot may be eaten with dairy (Y.D. 95:1) The Rama, however, rules that l’chatchila one should follow the view that when cooking food, the principle of nosein ta’am bar nosein ta’am does not apply (ibid:2). Therefore, according to the Rama, l’chatchila one should not add cheese to the spaghetti in this case. If, however, your son already added the cheese, Rama agrees that it may be eaten.

The above rulings apply to a pot that was used to cook meat in the last 24 hours. If the pot was not used for 24 hours or more, the ruling is not the same and will be the topic of a future Halacha Yomis.

The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.