384. Soup vs. Juice

53:2 If one cooks a fruit that it typically eaten raw, one would recite shehakol on its liquid. However, if a fruit is typically dried and cooked, and if it is planted for this purpose, then if one cooks them, the bracha on the liquid is ho’eitz, even if one does not eat the actual fruit itself. Where this is commonly done with vegetables, the bracha on the liquid is ho’adomah. The difference between juice (in 53:1, which is shehakol) and soup (here, which is ho’eitz or ho’adomah) is twofold: (a) squeezing a fruit for its juice is not its common use but in this case cooking the fruit is its common use and (b) cooking the fruit or vegetable imparts a more significant flavor. However, if one does cook produce alone for its juice, the bracha would be shehakol. If one cooked the produce with meat, the bracha is shehakol because the meat is the more significant ingredient. 53:3 The bracha on fruit that was soaked in a liquid or cooked solely for its juice is shehakol. Therefore, the bracha on coffee, tea and beer is shehakol.