423. How Often Does One Recite the Bracha?

60:11 Upon seeing Jewish graves, one recites the bracha “asher yatzar eschem badin…” that G-d created them in justice, sustained them in justice, provided for them in justice, caused their deaths, and will ultimately revive and maintain them in justice. (See a siddur for the actual text. Some authorities say that this bracha is not recited upon seeing a single grave because its text is written in the plural form, eschem meaning “all of you” – Mishnah Brurah 224:16.) If one sees the graves of those who worshipped idols, he would recite Jeremiah 50:12, which says that their mothers would be ashamed and that idolatry is a fruitless endeavor.

60:12 We have discussed many brachos that one recites upon seeing different things (kings, comets, rainbows, etc.). If one saw the exact same sight a second time, he would not repeat the bracha within 30 days. If a full 30 days passed between the first and second instance of seeing the person, place or thing in question, he would then recite the bracha anew. But if one saw a different king or different graves, etc. than he did the first time, he would say the bracha again even within 30 days.