1,550. The Obligation to Provide Clothing

Hilchos Ishus 12:24

If a man takes a vow prohibiting his wife from tasting a particular type of produce, he is given 30 days; if his vow lasts longer than this, he must divorce her and pay the value of her kesubah. This is true even if the vow prohibits eating something undesirable or something that she never tasted. Let’s say that a woman takes a vow not to eat a particular type of produce and her husband allows the vow to stand, or she takes a vow to be a nazir and he doesn’t cancel it. If he wants to stay married to her and for her not to eat this type of produce or for her to be a nazir, then fine, but if he doesn’t want to be married to a woman encumbered by vows, then he may divorce her but he must pay her the value of her kesubah. This is because he had the option to cancel her vow but he chose to let it stand.

Hilchos Ishus 13:1

A man is obligated to provide his wife annually with clothing worth 50 zuz in the common currency, which equaled six and a quarter dinar of silver. She should be given new clothes in the rainy season so that after they’ve become worn, she can wear them in the summer. The wife retains possession of her frayed clothes from the previous year, which should be worn when she is a niddah. She is entitled to a belt, a cap and new shoes for each Festival.