1,549. If a Man Takes a Vow Affecting His Wife

Hilchos Ishus 12:22

If the wife sold her husband’s possessions, saying that this was necessary to get funds for her food, but the husband claims that he left her food, then she must take an oath of a rabbinic nature to the extent that he did not leave food for her. If she did not file a claim, borrow money or sell his possessions but she did exert herself night and day to support herself, she is not entitled to reimbursement.

Hilchos Ishus 12:23

Let’s say that a man takes a vow prohibiting his wife from deriving benefit from him. Regardless of whether he specified a duration for the vow or not, his is given 30 days. If the vow expires in that time, or if he has it annulled, all is well. If not, he must divorce his wife and pay her the value of her kesubah. During the 30 days that the vow is in effect, the wife should work and support herself. If her income is insufficient, then a friend should provide her with necessities that she can’t afford.