1,545. Refusal to Support One's Family

Hilchos Ishus 12:14

Just as a man is required to sustain his wife, he is required by the Torah to sustain his children, both boys and girls, until the age of six; by rabbinic enactment, he must support them until they reach the age of majority. If a father does not meet this obligation, he should be rebuked and publicly shamed. If he still refuses, public announcements should be made declaring that he is cruel and doesn’t want to support his children – something that even non-kosher birds do! Nevertheless, he is not coerced to support children once they reach the age of six.

Hilchos Ishus 12:15

The above applies when the father is not known to have funds and the ability to give charity. If we know that he has funds and is able to give an amount to charity that would support his children, then his property is confiscated against his will for the purpose of charity and it is used to support his children until they reach the age of majority.