1,539. A Husband's Rights and Responsibilities

Hilchos Ishus 12:2

Three of a husband’s ten responsibilities come from the Torah: he must feed her, clothe her and provide her conjugal rights. The Sages instituted the other seven responsibilities as part of the kesubah. The first is the baseline amount of the kesubah. The others – known as the conditions of the kesubah – are to provide her with medical treatment when necessary; to redeem her if she is taken captive; to bury her if she predeceases him; to provide for her from his property; the right for her to keep living in his home after he dies until such time as she may remarry; the right for her daughters to be supported by his estate until they are consecrated for marriage; if she predeceases him, the right for her sons to inherit the value of her kesubah in addition to their share in his estate alongside any brothers from other wives.

Hilchos Ishus 12:3

The four privileges that a husband receives are all of rabbinic enactment. They are the rights to the products of her labor, to an ownerless object that she finds, to benefit from profits generated by her property in her lifetime, and to inherit her if she predeceases him. His rights to her property surpass those of any others.