1,536. Some Authorities Have a Corrupted Version of the Text

Hilchos Ishus 11:13

Some authorities maintain that, for a mature woman, the claim of no bleeding is invalid and the claim of no tightness is valid but this is not the reading supported by the Talmud and is based on inaccurate versions of the text. The Rambam investigated many texts, including very ancient versions, and he has determined the proper version to be in accordance with what he has written, i.e., that the only valid claim for a mature woman is a lack of bleeding.

Hilchos Ishus 11:14

The same Sages who instituted the obligation to write a kesubah for a woman also instituted that if a man makes a claim contesting his wife’s virginity, which she disputes, the burden of proof is on her. This is based on a legal presumption that a man won’t go to the trouble of throwing a wedding feast only to ruin it, thereby turning his celebration into mourning.