1,533. A Minor Who Matures, A Couple That Converts Together

Hilchos Ishus 11:7

If a male under the age of majority marries a woman, she is not entitled to a kesubah even if he is nine years and a day old. If he reaches the age of majority and remains with her, she is entitled to the baseline amount of a kesubah. Similarly, if a man and wife convert together, she is entitled to a kesubah; he remained with her post-conversion based on this understanding.

Hilchos Ishus 11:8

Whenever a bride is entitled to a kesubah of 200, it is possible for the husband to make a legal claim contesting her virginity; whenever a bride is entitled to a kesubah of 100 – or no kesubah at all – the husband cannot make any such claims. If a groom is secluded with his betrothed prior to the wedding, he cannot make such a claim against her (based on the suspicion of he himself being intimate with her).