1,531. A Kesubah of 100 vs. 200

Hilchos Ishus 11:3

The kesubah of a woman “injured by wood” is 100. Even if her husband married her under the legal presumption that she’s a virgin (so he wrote a kesubah for 200), if he discovers that she was “injured by wood,” her kesubah is adjusted to 100. If a girl under the age of three engages in intimate relations, even with an adult, her kesubah is nevertheless 200. Similarly, if a boy under the age of nine has intimate relations with an adult woman, her kesubah remains 200. Only after a boy reaches the age of nine years and a day are relations with him are of legal impact.

Hilchos Ishus 11:4

If a virgin is a mature woman, blind or congenitally infertile, her kesubah is still 200; this is not the case regarding a woman with congenital deafness or lacking mental competence. A kesubah was not instituted for a woman with congenital deafness to provide additional incentive for a man to marry her; he is similarly relieved of other marriage responsibilities. If a man marries a woman with congenital deafness and she is cured, she is given a kesubah of 100 and the other obligations are reinstated.