1,529. Time Given the Groom to Prepare for the Wedding

Hilchos Ishus 10:18

Just as the bride is given a certain amount of time to prepare herself after the groom requests to get married, time is also granted to the groom if the woman makes the request to have the wedding. He is given the same amount of time as she is. If she would get 12 months, he gets 12 months; if she would get 30 days, he gets 30 days.

Hilchos Ishus 10:19

If the time given the man passes and he still hasn’t married his betrothed, he becomes obligated to sustain her even though they haven’t completed the marriage. If his deadline falls on a Sunday or a Friday (when marriages are not held), he is not responsible to sustain her that day because the wedding couldn’t be held then. Similarly, if one of them gets sick or she gets her period at the time designated for the wedding, he is not required to sustain her. This is because they are not able to complete the marriage until she goes to the mikvah or until the sick party recovers.