1,521. The Six Wedding Brachos

Hilchos Ishus 10:2

Once a betrothed woman has entered the chuppah, her husband may have marital relations at any time and she is considered his wife in all regards. Once a woman enters the chuppah, she is called a nesuah (a married woman) even if the couple has not yet consummated the marriage. This is only the case when he is halachically able to have relations with her. If she is in a state of niddah, the marriage is not yet cemented and she is still considered betrothed even though she entered the chuppah and was secluded with her husband.

Hilchos Ishus 10:3

Six marriage brachos are recited before the nisuin. (The Rambam says that these brachos are recited in the groom’s home but that is not a halachic imperative, it merely reflects the practice of his time.) They are: (1) that God created everything for His glory; (2) that God is the Creator of man; (3) that God created man in His image, reflecting His likeness and preparing for him an eternal structure; (4) May the barren rejoice as her children are joyfully gathered to her; God causes Zion to rejoice in her children; (5) grant the loving companions joy as God did to His creation in Eden long ago; God grants joy to the bride and groom; and (6) God created joy and happiness, bride and groom, gladness, song, cheer and delight, love and harmony, and peace and friendship. Soon, may the cities of Judah and the outskirts of Jerusalem be filled with the sounds of joy and happiness, of a bride and groom, of grooms rejoicing from their chuppahs and youths from song-filled banquets; Blessed is God Who grants joy to the groom with his bride.