476. Laws of Mincha

68:12 If a person is on a journey over Shabbos and staying at a hotel, he should try to deposit his money with the proprietor or hide it. He may not keep it in his pocket because it is muktzeh and may not be handled on Shabbos. If he is concerned that it will be stolen, he may sew it into his clothes on Friday and then stay in over Shabbos; he may not go outside an eiruv wearing these clothes. (He should wear other clothes if he has the option – Mishnah Brurah 301:126.) However, if he is worried that, if he stays in all Shabbos, others will realize that he must be concealing money and will rob him, he may then go out with the money sewn into his clothes. (The reason this is permitted under these circumstances is that carrying in such an unusual manner is only Rabbinically prohibited – MB 301:123.) However, under no circumstances may he carry the money in his pocket.

69:1 Talmud in Brachos (6b) tells us that we should take the afternoon prayer service (Mincha) seriously because we see that it was Elijah's afternoon prayers that were answered (1 Kings 18:36). The reason Mincha is so important is because Shacharis is recited in the morning before a person gets involved with his daily business dealings. Similarly, Maariv is recited at night, after one is through with his day's work. Mincha, however, is recited in the middle of the day, which requires a person to put his personal affairs aside in order to pay attention to G-d. Accordingly, the reward for Mincha is great.