1,518. Reports That a Woman was Married to More Than One Man

Hilchos Ishus 9:27

Let’s say that word circulates to the effect that a woman was consecrated to one man, then a different report circulates that she was consecrated to someone else. In such a case, one of the men should give her a get while the other may then consummate the marriage. This could be either the first man or the second.

Hilchos Ishus 9:28

In a place where the practice is for a man to send gifts to his bride after consecrating her, if witnesses testify that they saw gifts being brought to a woman, we are concerned that she has been consecrated and she must receive a get (in order to marry someone else). This is so even when most men in the city send gifts before consecrating a woman. In a place where the practice is for all the men to send gifts before consecrating a woman, then seeing saw presents brought is not a cause for concern.