1,516. Reports of a Marriage and Mitigating Information

Hilchos Ishus 9:23

The reports of marriage are validated when there is no mitigating information. If there is mitigating information that is reported at the same time as the initial testimony, then the woman is not considered consecrated. An example of mitigating information is a report that the woman was consecrated based on a condition or that the status of the kiddushin is in doubt. In such cases, the woman is not considered consecrated. Rather, we ask her about her status and then take her word for it because there is no clear evidence either way.

Hilchos Ishus 9:24

If word gets around that a woman was consecrated to a certain man but mitigating information appears a few days later, then if the court accepts the new information, they rely on it and the woman is not considered consecrated. If the court does not accept the new information, they may disregard it because it was not reported at the time of the original testimony.