1,513. Unfaithful Agents

Hilchos Ishus 9:17

If a man appoints an agent to consecrate a woman for him but the agent consecrates her for himself, the woman is consecrated to the agent. However, it is prohibited for a person to behave in this way. One who acts in such a manner - in this or other circumstances - is considered evil.

Hilchos Ishus 9:18

Let’s say that a man appoints an agent to consecrate a woman for him, and the agent consecrates her. The agent later claims that he consecrated her for himself but the woman says that she was consecrated to the first man, who appointed the agent. If the agent wasn’t appointed in front of witnesses, the agent is prohibited to the woman’s relatives but she is permitted to his. The woman is prohibited to the first man’s relatives but he is permitted to hers. If the agent was appointed in front of witnesses, she is consecrated to the first man.