1,511. Two Who Both Claim to Be the Unknown Party

Hilchos Ishus 9:13

If a father doesn’t know to whom he consecrated his daughter and two men both claim to be the one who consecrated her, then each of them must give her a get, or one may divorce her and the other may consummate the marriage. If one of them consummated the marriage and a third person later claims that he was the one who consecrated her, he is not believed and he does not render her prohibited to her husband.

Hilchos Ishus 9:14

If a woman says that she was consecrated but she doesn’t know to whom and a man claims to be the one who consecrated her, he is believed and he may give her a get to enable her to marry others but he is not allowed to consummate the marriage. This is because we are concerned that maybe he was overcome by his urges and she will go along with his ruse in order to resolve her halachic dilemma.