1,496. Multiple Men Making Doubtful Kiddushin

Hilchos Ishus 7:12

Let’s say that a man tells a woman, “You are consecrated to me through this dinar starting now and after 30 days,” and another man consecrates her within those 30 days. Both men have dubiously effected marriage so each of them must give her a get. This get could be given either within that 30-day period or later. Let’s say that one man tells a woman, “You are consecrated to me starting now and after 30 days,” then another man tells her, “You are consecrated to me starting now and after 20 days,” and then a third man tells her, ““You are consecrated to me starting now and after 10 days.” All of them have dubiously effected marriage so each of them must give her a get. This would be true even if 100 different men were to consecrate her like this.

Hilchos Ishus 7:13

Let’s say that a man tells a woman that she is consecrated to him except as far as a certain person is concerned, meaning that she is considered married and prohibited to all other men but single and permitted to this particular man. In such a case, there is doubt as to whether or not marriage has been effected. If he says that she is consecrated to him on the condition that she is permitted to a particular person, then marriage is effected and she is prohibited to that person just as she is to everyone else because this is a condition that is impossible to meet.