1,491. A Condition About the Man's Assets

Hilchos Ishus 7:2

Let’s say that a man tells a woman, “You are consecrated to me through this object on the condition that I own 200 zuz or enough land to plant a kor of grain.” If there are witnesses who can confirm that he owns these things, then marriage is effected; if not, then the situation is in doubt because maybe he owns these things but is denying it in order to make trouble.

Hilchos Ishus 7:3

Let’s say that a man tells a woman, “You are consecrated to me through this object on the condition that I own 200 zuz or enough land to plant a kor of grain in a such-and-such place.” If he has these assets in that place, then marriage is effected; if not, then the situation is in doubt because maybe he owns these things in that place but is denying it in order to make trouble.