1,487. Conditions Involving a Third Party

Hilchos Ishus 6:12

Let’s say that a man makes a condition that a woman is consecrated to him if she convinces a third party to give him their courtyard or have that person’s daughter marry his son. In such a case, the condition is valid because it is something that the woman could potentially fulfill. For example, she could give the third party a large sum of money to persuade him to give the man his courtyard or have his daughter marry the man’s son. In this case, no transgression is involved. The same is true in all comparable cases.

Hilchos Ishus 6:13

Remember all these rules that have been stated in regard to conditional agreements. Whenever you hear that a man consecrated or divorced a woman based on certain conditions, or that someone made a sale or gave a gift based on certain conditions, know that the condition must conform to the four rules previously discussed. If one remembers this, it will not be necessary to repeat the parameters every time a conditional agreement is mentioned. If one of these rules is not met, the condition is immaterial.